Fuensanta Around the World

Fuensanta around the world

Fuensanta around the world, we are a company with global aspirations because we offer a product with a differential value that cannot be copied and which improves the health of those that drink it regardless of where they live. We are something that nobody else can be, our mineral composition is unique.

We are constantly seeking new markets, optimising distribution channels and adapting our packaging to the different markets, in accordance with applicable regulations and working with foreign distributers.

Fuensanta Around the World

Do you want to become a Fuensanta distributor?

If you want to distribute our mineral-medicinal water, please contact us through our contact form.

Fuensanta International Expansion Project year 2022

Project subsidized by Idepa

Fuensanta Around the World

We are medicinal mineral water, find out why.

We are medicinal mineral water, find out why.